About Us

CreditLadder can deliver financial fairness to millions of tenants by ensuring their rent payment each month can help their credit position on Experian, Equifax, TransUnion and Crediva. An improved credit history and credit score can allow tenants to save money, and ultimately may also help them on to the housing ladder.

We work with

Experian Logo
Equifax Logo
TransUnion Logo

Our Mission

Until recently, tenants have been unfairly penalised as their rent payments haven't counted towards improving their credit history. Mortgage payments, have however, helped homeowners improve their credit history. We think this is unfair.

CreditLadder launched in 2016, and since then has helped over 100,000 tenants improve their credit position with Experian, Equifax, TransUnion and Crediva.

CreditLadder have either been featured or recommended by  BBCWhich?Money Saving Expert,  Sky NewsThe TimesFTThe MirrorThe Suni NewsCity A.M.Metro.